Campaign Notes Epiphany
I was just doing my nails, getting ready for bed when I had a small epiphany:
Campaign notes don’t have to be perfect
In fact, they don’t even have to match: I have an analog notebook for random ideas that I sometimes carry around and even less often scribble into. I also have an Obsidian vault for keeping notes on campaigns I’m running and campaigns I’m playing in.
And I fret. I worry. I fear inconsistencies.
The epiphany I just had: It doesn’t really matter. There is only one SPOT (Single Point Of Truth): What happens at the table. Everything else doesn’t exist yet, or stopped existing the moment it became part of the live game. All the writing, even the stuff on this site - especially the stuff on this site, is just ephemeral (note to self: look up the exact meaning of ephemeral) to a dnd session and it’s ok to be messy, to be sloppy, to be, *gasp* inconsistent.
I spend way too much time thinking about organization and restructuring.
You know what truly creative people do? They create. They don’t catalogue or organize or collect. Not a priori. Not before there’s anything worth collecting. And it gets messy. And that’s beautiful in it’s own right.
I will learn to live with the mess.