Last weekend, I spent hours going over the tokens at, sifting for those I could use as lazy player tokens, following the guide from Sly Flourish on Crafting Lazy Monster Tokens for D&D.

I have made the set of monster tokens as described in that article, pasting them back-to-back instead of using the magnets. I like this better than the magnets, which I had also experimented with, because magnets tend to stick together and then the tokens all sort of clump together.

The scheme of the monster tokens by Sly Flourish is black on a white background. So for the player tokens, I’ve chosen white on a black background, which is also the default on The black circle is actually 0.9 inches, so when you cut the tokens out with a 1 inch punch, you’ll have a little white border which I think works quite nicely.

Since the icons are offered with the CC BY 3.0 license, it’s only fair I share my derivative work with the same license.

Here’s the PDF containing the tokens: Lazy Player Tokens.

I’d like to point out that the term “lazy” here is a nod to Sly Flourish who’s excellent book Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master has shaped how I view the game. I’ve ended up buying all his products, so I might just be a biased fan-boy, but… check it out. There’s some great content there!!

Lazy Player Tokens Photo