SCA Heraldry Names
Just a quick reminder: SCA Heraldry has a ton of names by period and culture. You can distill random tables of names from there. Using ChatGPT to mash them up can sometimes also work.
Random Myth Generator
I stumbled upon the following link and need to remember it: Random Myth Generator by Chris Francis. That link will take you to a very simple page: It’s a giant button that says “Random Myth Article” and clicking on it will take you to a random Wikipedia article. Some examples you might get directed to:
Campaign Setting and Player Language
In my mind, Dungeons & Dragons is something that happens in English. I make sure to get the English version of the books. I consume blogs and youtube videos on the topic in English. I think about my game and prep session notes in English.
Random Allemanic Names for NPCs
I’ve been working on a setting that would work well in Swiss German for a campaign. Fantasy names tend to be very English oriented and “home” base names just… don’t really fit a setting that goes well with Swiss German native speekers. I hope to explore that further another day, but for now, here’s a table of random NPC names to use in a setting that might be a place like medieval Switzerland:
The People of the Forest
The People of the Forest are a tribe of Firbolg dedicated to protecting an enchanted forest known as the Seam that connects the material plane with the plane of Faerie. Since the forest spans both planes, the People of the Forest end up wandering both planes and are accustomed to slipping from one world to the next, finding crossovers where others wouldn’t notice them.
The Sunken Temple of Lamentra
In this 5 Room Dungeon, the adventurers venture into a site long forgotten that used to be a temple to the Godess Lamentra.
Lirendel is an elven city built high in the branches of an ancient grove of Sequoia trees. The architecture blends living wood and crystal, which glow softly to illuminate the platforms and bridges shaped by elven magic. Silver ivy forms pathways between homes nestled in the branches, with hanging gardens blooming year-round.
Comparing Magic User Mechanics in D&D 5e
This is something that has been bugging me for a while now: When reading through the Player’s Handbook (PHB), it’s really hard to understand how the rules for magic differ between classes. If all you want to know is how magic works for your specific class, it’s perfect! But I’d like to compare and contrast the mechanics of using magic in D&D 5e. So I went and did a bunch of homework to sum this up for future reference.
Lazy Player Tokens
Last weekend, I spent hours going over the tokens at, sifting for those I could use as lazy player tokens, following the guide from Sly Flourish on Crafting Lazy Monster Tokens for D&D.
Give Your Scenes Movement
Just watched the following video on youtube: D&D Exploration SUCKS. This is why.
NPC Development Questions (d20 Table)
Here’s a list of questions that could be used to help flesh out an NPC. I suggest rolling 3 times on the list and answering the random question.
Drawing maps
Do I even need a map? I started without, but here’s the thing: All the characters in my Gerbil King’s Quest Campaign have ai-generated places they came from. Like Ironcliff for the dwarf and Gloomhaven for the rogue. And since I want to put the players dead in the center of the campaign like Sly Flourish suggests, well, I kind of need to know where those places are and be able to show them to the players: Look, that village you defended as part of your origin story, that’s Greendale see? Down there, nestled between the mountains on the left (ahem, west) and those on the other side…
The Golden Harpies
NOTE: This article is mainly generated by ChatGPT.
Campaign Notes Epiphany
I was just doing my nails, getting ready for bed when I had a small epiphany:
First thoughts on Worldbuilding
I’m still new at this. And I haven’t even gotten through all the material I’ve collected to figure this out, but I do have some initial thoughts on Worldbuilding for TTRPGs.
Lamentra, Goddess of Shadows and Retribution
Alignment | Chaotic Neutral |
Domains | Death, Trickery, War |
Symbols | A crib entwined with thorns, a shadowed heart |
Tilly Threadbare
Tilly appears at first glance to be a large, well-loved rag doll. She stands about three feet tall, with mismatched button eyes, yarn hair in a tangle of colors, and patchwork skin of various textures and shades. Her clothes, a patchwork of different fabrics, seem to change slightly with her mood or the time of day.
The First Law
Let’s kick off this site with some ideas based on Joe Abercrombies series of books starting with The First Law. And no, this isn’t going to be a book club. Instead, I’m going to try and extract some cool ideas from the books that might end up in a dnd campaign.