Posts tagged #worldbuilding
Drawing maps
Do I even need a map? I started without, but here’s the thing: All the characters in my Gerbil King’s Quest Campaign have ai-generated places they came from. Like Ironcliff for the dwarf and Gloomhaven for the rogue. And since I want to put the players dead in the center of the campaign like Sly Flourish suggests, well, I kind of need to know where those places are and be able to show them to the players: Look, that village you defended as part of your origin story, that’s Greendale see? Down there, nestled between the mountains on the left (ahem, west) and those on the other side…
First thoughts on Worldbuilding
I’m still new at this. And I haven’t even gotten through all the material I’ve collected to figure this out, but I do have some initial thoughts on Worldbuilding for TTRPGs.